Here’s our 2014 New Year resolution, compliments of Mrs Jones, the 92 year old internet darling, still smiling and happy to wake up each morning for the simple pleasure of being alive.

At Slade Group, we think The Mrs Jones List is just as true for Organisational Wellbeing as it is for the individual.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

  • Free your heart from hatred
  • Free your mind from worries
  • Live simply
  • Give more
  • Expect less

Can you argue with any of them?

We thought about how they apply to the world @work:

  1. Free your heart from hatred – accomplished teams outstrip toxic organisations.
  2. Free your mind from worries – only sweat the stuff you can control and deliver.
  3. Live simply – don’t blame lack of resources on your lack of success.
  4. Give more – it comes back in bucket loads.
  5. Expect less – and then be pleasantly surprised. Remember consistent 10% – 20% year on year growth delivers a phenomenal compound growth.

Go on, add your tried and trues to the Mrs Jones list.